Hawker Hurricane Mk I V6782

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Senior Airman
Jun 19, 2015
South-East UK
Bit of an unusual one.
I went for a walk a few miles from home yesterday, near Burwash. On the walk we passed a memorial http://www.bbm.org.uk/airmen/Rimmer-memorial2-opt.jpg to Flight Lieutenant Reginald Frank Rimmer of 229 Squadron, who was shot down and killed in combat with Me109's on the 27th September 1940. His Hurricane, V6782, exploded over Franchise Manor Farm, Burwash.
I decided to build a 1:48th Hurricane in his markings, but don't quite know which kit would be best.

I have the following information to hand: Hawker Hurricane Mk I V6782 was part of Block 3/G, Gloster Aircraft Co, RR Merlin III or XX, July 1940 - Aug 1941. It's one of a batch of 1,700 aircraft built by Gloster Aircraft Co, to contract 85730/40/23a. Powered by Rolls-Royce Merlin III or Rolls-Royce Merlin XX engines, driving Rotol or de Havilland three blade variable pitch propellers. I can't figure out what wing (fabric or metal) it needs, or what the individual code would have been (Squadron code was RE at this time).

So, my question is: which 1:48th kit would be best to represent Rimmer's mount? Which codes and badges do I need to purchase for it?
I'm maxed out on my monthly ORB downloads from the National Archives but there is a very slight chance that it aircraft code could be mentioned in the 229 Squadron ORB
And a couple of the squadron Hurricane shots ...

229-Squadron Hurricane.jpg

229-Squadron Hurricane_.jpg

229-Squadron Hurricane_a.jpg

the source: Battle of Britain Monument
I built the Italeri (as reboxed by Tamiya) Hurricane Mk I and it was quite nice. I imagine that one of those decent/recent kits (Hasegawa, Airfix, Italeri) will have a boxing with the right squadron code, so that may help you decide. Of course, you will still have to find out the individual aircraft letter.
Perhaps the thread on this site about eBay pictures might turn out to have the actual image. When I was researching Roald Dahl's Hurricane based on serial number, I found a picture of it on eBay by pure chance.

Here is the ebay Hurricane pix thread:
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Rimmer's Hurricane would appear to have the codes RE-T at the time of its demise. Source:

I would also lend another vote to the 1/48 Airfix Hurricane. It builds up very nicely OOB or if you absolutely MUST have the perfect Hurricane down to the last rivet it makes for a good starting point to build on. The Hasegawa kit comes a close second - mainly because it requires some modification if you want to show the cockpit opened up. With the Airfix example you have all the parts to have canopy open or closed as required. Leave the hood loose and you can have either!


Edit to add - You can also open up the wings to show the gun bays if so inclined. For the price I think it ticks most of the boxes.
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Rimmer's Hurricane would appear to have the codes RE-T at the time of its demise. Source:

I would also lend another vote to the 1/48 Airfix Hurricane. It builds up very nicely OOB or if you absolutely MUST have the perfect Hurricane down to the last rivet it makes for a good starting point to build on. The Hasegawa kit comes a close second - mainly because it requires some modification if you want to show the cockpit opened up. With the Airfix example you have all the parts to have canopy open or closed as required. Leave the hood loose and you can have either!

View attachment 653596

Edit to add - You can also open up the wings to show the gun bays if so inclined. For the price I think it ticks most of the boxes.
Oh wow! Brilliant! Thank you! RE-T should be easy to get.

OK, so the Airfix kit it will be, then, when I start this mini-tribute.

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