Heinkel He 177

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Airman 1st Class
Dec 27, 2008
Northern Germany
I have received two pics of He-177 from a friend.
A relative of him was Crewmember in this bird. Unfortunately i have no Unit Informations, but he told he have some Field post letters. So i maybe can discover the unit if i see the field post number on the envelopes. And maybe he will find more pictures

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Thanks for all your comments!
I´m sharing with pleasure.. The best picture is nothing worth if it is covered in a drawer .... That´s my opinion
I also tried out here everything to find a code on the plane.. no chance...
There is a writing on the backside, but this is heavy "overpainted".. I tried to make carefully the writing visible, but all you can read (with really good will) is "gelbe" So maybe the stand something like "gelbe J". I don´t want to destroy the picture by doing more on it....
What me confuse is that no Werknr is painted on the tai on the second picture... Maybe in two weeks i will receive the field post letters i wrote about. With luck i can then "discover" the unit...
Thanks a lot Hesekiel!
Very nice photos, the second one also reveals nice details on the tail.

@ comiso 90.. ... Of course... But i would like to asked by the author *gg*

@ Maximowitz.. : This is also my thought.. I compared this photos with all pics i found in books and the internet.. And the only ones with the light spinners and the same camouflage fits with KG 40

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