Jul 3, 2006 #1 W wonderwire Recruit 1 0 Mar 6, 2004 www.westernwireless.ca Just a short intro. I enjoy old cars, planes etc (goes with my age?). I work with old electronics etc. and just have a love for days gone by. Cheers, Cliff
Just a short intro. I enjoy old cars, planes etc (goes with my age?). I work with old electronics etc. and just have a love for days gone by. Cheers, Cliff
Jul 3, 2006 #2 Monique Airman 70 0 Jun 25, 2006 Calgary, Alberta reikae.deviantart.com =D Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay wether it be a long or a short one. Woah, I just sounded like a creepy hotel attendant person. Yeah but anyways; welcome.
=D Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay wether it be a long or a short one. Woah, I just sounded like a creepy hotel attendant person. Yeah but anyways; welcome.
Jul 3, 2006 #3 Wurger Siggy Master Staff Admin Mod 112,109 30,210 Jun 19, 2005 Poland Welcome to the forum Wonderwire.
Jul 10, 2006 #4 SpitfireKing Airman 1st Class 262 0 Jul 2, 2006 Nora Springs, Iowa Welcome abort WonderWire