Help identifying bomber panel

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An interesting one. Wing bomb racks could mean the Whitley or the Stirling. It's unlikely to be the Stirling as she had only 3 bays in each wing. Not entirely sure how many the Whitley had in each wing, but I can't help thinking it might be more than 4! In either case the biggest bomb that either could carry was 2000lbs, so no help there! The bomb door signal light might be a clue as earlier Whitleys wouldn't have had that, early marks had spring loaded doors that opened with the weight of the bomb. Later marks did have a powered system however, as did the Stirling of course. To conclude, I think it's one of those two Not sure if any American aircraft had wing bomb bays?
Looks post WII to me. I'm stumped. US Navy perhaps? Neptune? I'm thinking single fuselage bomb bay (with 12 bombs @ 500lbs = 6000lbs internal) and four external rack mounts under each wing (8 bombs of 250lbs = 2000lbs) for maximum of 8000lbs?

Where did you get it?
A WWII Vet's estate. Also a steering yoke, with a mic button on the top right side. I don't know what you call these but I'll say joystick handles with button in the top to fire guns. Oxygen masks, oxygen ' regulator ' and other very interesting relics.
could it be from an Argus whish had a big bombay as well as hardpoints
Max 8,000 lb bombs, depth charges, torpedoes, mines and 3,800 lb air-to-surface missiles and free-fall weapons on underwing hardpoint
Looking at the bombay section, there is a note to the #6 position that states "2,000 lb Bomb (When) Carried"

I would assume that means the bombay could only acommadate 1 x 2,000lb bomb.
Or physically only 1-2000lb bomb with others.

Joystick handles with buttons are not WWII era.

I'm thinking we have something outside of WWII with respect to this panel. But I'm wrong more than right.
The items ranged from WWI to WWII, and this panel may be the ' newest ' item in the lot. Wide ranging. One thing that makes me think it may be post war are the two phillips head screws in the bottom left. Did they use phillips head screws in U. S. WWI stuff? Forgive my ignorance. Just a thought.
Thank you all for your thoughts. I appreciate you all taking time to look at the panel.
Not British, as the wing stations would be marked Port and Starboard, not Right and Left. The style looks post WW2, probably American by the design style.

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