Help with a Wright 3350 Compound turbo engine.

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Jan 17, 2012
I have a cosmolined engine looks to be close to complete. Rockers look new and I was told the engine was a reman engine from 1978. I cranked the starter up and the engine will not budge. The plugs are out but I cannot get her to turn. I wonder if you could tell me where the ID tag is with ser number and where I might find the history. That could get me ahead of the game. I don't want to be playing with an engine that is seized up. I also would like to find an old war buff that wants to bring some memories back that could tell me how to do the general maintenance on her.
Looking for resources for working on this beast.
Thanks in advance. Please email me at
you might wanna consult with the airline history museum in Kansas City, Missouri. they have a lockheed constellation that they've been re-servicing for some time
First question, is this engine cold? Like in a cold climate not inside etc. Second, did you prelube it before trying to turn it? It may need to have some hot oil prelubed into it, and you need to be able to turn it in a more slow and contolled fashion. Maybe even mixing some av gas and a bit lighter weight oil for a prelube and even into the cylinders. Marvel Mystery oil and av engine oil into the cylinders would work too. Something to prelube as well as soften any perservative lube. Then of course drain it good after you can get it to turn. Though it could also have a rusting issue too. Also could follow the proceedure in the proper manuals for removing the engine from storage. And the manuals are your best bet for the maintenance you wish to do on it.
So does it have the prts? How about the fuel system and any accessories? Exhaust system?

If you get maintenace manuals there should be a section about de-preservation
Thanks for the information thus far. I need to rent, borrow, or buy a propshaft spline wrench to enable wrenching it to turn if you know where I can get one that would be awesome. I will try to prelube the topsides. Im not sure of the oil system as to where the plumbing connections are. Any help is appreciated. Manual would be good resourse also.
Thanks Doug. Would you know where the maintenence or shop manuals could be found?
Prelube, means presurizing the lube system with a pump and oil. I use a feather pump and admitt the oil into the screen drain port, this is on a 4360.
Thanks Doug. Would you know where the maintenence or shop manuals could be found?
Where can the model and ser. number be found?

On the data plate, on the prop reduction /nose case. If its missing then it most likely is not what they said it was. It maybe the broke one that the rebuilt one was used to replace.

Here is a picture of the data plate location, just look at the nose case.
A -59B R-4360 has its data plate in about the exact same position.

Its that blackish plate on the side of the case, below the cut area on the front right hand side.
All you have to do is look around on that case on your engine. Like I say if its not there then, being rebuilt is heresay.
Especially if you have zero documentation to prove it. And besides if the overhaul is older than 12 years, and especially if it is frozen, to be airworthy it would have to be re overhauled.
Cosmoline doesn't mean, it wasn't just pulled off a wing and cleaned and stored, it could have been an engine that failed, and thats why its doesn't turn. Ya just don't know till ya dig a bit and find out.
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