Help with Japanese WWII markings

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Aug 27, 2008
I'm hoping someone can point me at an article that describes the markings of Japanese aircraft. I'm mostly interested in the markings of Japanese aircraft that participated in the Battle of the Coral Sea (May 1942).

I see markings like single red bands, single blue, double blue, no bands at all. Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
Not and easy question to answer. Are you talking about the Japanese army aircraft or Japanese Navy aircraft. Below is a link to some of the code prefixes for IJNAF units.

Unit Prefixes, by Jim Lansdale

A good source on Japanese army markings is the book below
Emblems of the Rising Sun, Imperial Japanese Army Air Force Unit Markings by Peter Scott Isbn 1-902109-55-4

Hope that helps.

That is a great start. Thanks for the quick reply. To be more specific, I was looking for Navy aircraft attached to the Shoho.
That is a great start. Thanks for the quick reply. To be more specific, I was looking for Navy aircraft attached to the Shoho.

Maybe this will help also. From the osprey air war series Japanese carrier air groups 1941-1945 by Rene J Francillion
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Just to back up Micdrows info.....The battle of the Coral Sea was IIRC the first battle solely using carrier aircraft.

The Japanese carriers that participated were the Fleet Carriers Shokaku and Zuikaku of the 5th Carrier Division and the light carrier Shoho, 4th Carrier Division.

Shokaku used a single white band and carried the markings EI-XXX, while Zuikaku aircraft two white bands, EII-XXX.
Shoho carried two yellow fuselage bands and coding of DII-XXX, Shoho had the distinction of being the first aircraft carrier to be sunk in WWII, USS Lexington followed not long after, as the first US carrier...
The fuselage bands and rudder stripes were typically the sole realm of flight leaders (C.O., group leader, etc.). The colors of these bands and stripes usually depended on the region, carrier, or carrier group that these aircraft belonged to, and there were a huge variety of styles ranging from fuselage chevrons to simple bands. The number of rudder stripes and the width were also signs of the pilot's rank within the squadron.
I strongly recommend "Japanese Naval Air Force Camouflage and Markings World War II" by Donald W. Thorpe (1977 ISBN 0-8168-6587-6 pbk). As I recall, this book is pretty definitive from Hinomaru diameter size to the white outline width surrounding it, to the carrier designations (eg:AI-XXX), to those stripes and bands and their meanings. Hard to find, though- but well worth the effort. Good luck!
Shoho had the distinction of being the first aircraft carrier to be sunk in WWII, USS Lexington followed not long after, as the first US carrier...

The first sinking of an aircraft carrier was the HMS Courageous on September 17, 1939 off the coast of Ireland, by the German U-Boat, U-29. She was also the first British warship to be lost in the war

IJN Shoho went down on 7 May 1942 but she was the first Japanese aircraft carrier to be sunk in the Pacific War.

The first to sunk in war.
31 October 1914
H.M.S Hermes, British, Highflyer class Second Class Cruiser converted to Seaplane Carrier.
Torpedoed by German submarine U27 whilst acting as an aircraft transport between Dover and France. First torpedo struck from a range of c.300 yards and as the cruiser was sinking by the stern a second torpedo hit her and she then sank quickly.

sorry just a small point but I think you mean the first in Pacific War.
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Well, yes that was my meaning!

I hope this helps I'm studying IJN planes at Pearl Harbor
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