One heck of a task you've set yourself Alan! There is a web-site where a guy did a similar thing on a larger scale model, I'm afraid I can't remember which site, but it might have been Hyper Scale. It'll mean some searching, but a trawl through Google for B17 Models might find it. One source of some of the detail you require is the 'Detail Scale' series of publications, by Aero Publishers, Inc., and Arms Armour Press, London and Melbourne. B17 Flying fFrtress, Part 1, by Alwyn T. Lloyd has some good shots for internal detail etc., and there are many other books with cutaway drawings.
The only thing I can help with directly is the position of the 8mm strike camera; this was under the floor of the Radio Compartment, accesible through the hatch, that should be moulded on the floor part of your kit.
One thing worth noting though; in 1/48th scale, there won't be much room, due to the shape of the mouldings and some of the components, to fit such things as control runs and cables. Also, it would entail building virtually the whole of the internal framework structure to do so convincingly, and, in areas such as the bombardiers/navigators compartment, anything under the floor wouldn't be seen.
I hope this has been of some help, good luck with your project.