I bet this was an exciting landing!

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I think someone forgot to put the oil cap back on! ha ha ha.

Lucky pilot to be able to see. Thanks for the post TWW89. I haven't seen this pic before.
very good picture, thanks for posting it. I presume, from what can be seen of the markings, and the damaged hangar in the background, that it a P47 based in Italy?
Now this is what you call an exciting landing!


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I'm not quite sure, but could it be that his oil pump was shot and becuase they were pressurized, it just pumped all the oil out?

This picture is in the book Bent and Battered Wings by squadron signal books

Caption says that the P-47 flown by Lt Edwin King of the 58th fighter squadron was hit by flak over Brescia Italy taking engine damage which resulted in the oil covering the fighter.

Intersting picture you posted there antoni, many thanks.

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