I need Pin-up Girls

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Hey ever one Im new hear so I did not know where to ask this.

I need any photos of ww2 pinup girls or nose art! Im working on a 1940 Ford Truck and I need a girl for the doors. And do know what the color of the B-17 was I know it was a dark green but im trying to find the paint codes or the name of it.

Thanks all Srry if this is in the wrong place to ask that.
The paint colour was Olive Drab, a green with a hint of brown. Sorry I haven't got the paint number to hand, but this colour 'weathered' so much, especially in Europe, that the shades changed dramatically, from an olive green, to almost a pure 'earth', or tan brown. Note also that, from February 1944, 'natural metal' (silver) finish was predominant. There are at least two books on the subject of nose art, with many good colour shots of WW2 'girlie' art portrayed.
As catch said, a look in the modelling section might find some pics of WW2 bomber models. Somewhere, there's one of mine in the colour you want, a B26 Marauder.
Do a search on Vargas, the guy was quite prolific and many of the pinups were used as nose art. I think that those above ^^ may be his.

When I skinned my B 17's in"The Mighty Eight" I used several of his and made some up as well.

I'll see if I can find them out.
Well I did find them but I don't want to get banned so I won't post them up!!

Vargas and Hubert de Lartigue are a couple of the names to search

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