Il-2 Stormovik

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Jun 19, 2006
Hello all!
I am new of the forum, and I write for a little request.

I am bulding an rc-model of an Il-2 Stormovik.
By now I have only the structure, so it doesn't matter the version.
I was searching for camo patterns of the plane, but I can't find so much different from the usual green-brown.
Have you got 3-views drawings of the camo patterns so I can chose the one to apply to my rc-model?

Thanks to all.

P.S.: For the one who are in rc-aircrafts, the model will be a PSS.
For the one not in rc, the model will be a Scale reproduction without motor, which will be flown on slopes using the wind and the thermals to gain altitude.
see: for further infos on slope-flying models.
Hi !!!
There some Il-2 profiles with green-black camo and drawings of a cockpit.I hope I was useful.


source unknown:


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cool! Thanks Wurger!
this is one of the best i've seen by now.
I would preferrably chose the single seater version because of its more aerodinamical shape.(and also i've just done it)
The model will be 120 cm in wingspan,
Wings will be in polystirene foam covered with tanganika wood, fuselage will be all fiberglass. The total weight with R.C. apparel installed will be around 800 grams.

These are two pics of the parts before final assembly.
After that I will cut away the fiberglass cockpit and create a transparent one.
single or double seater as I'll chose.
After all, there will be the long painting work...

Any others camo schemes? If I remember well there would also be a total black and some white versions


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Hi !!!!
For me it looks good.But I have some questions."tanganika wood" is the same like a balsa?
What kind of radio control and an engine do you want to use ? I mean the type of the device.
-Tanganika wood is similar to black poplar, balsa is too flexible for this use.
These wings are done cutting the polystirene foam, then apply the wood (0.4mm sheet) with epoxy glue and let it under heavy weights for 10 hrs.
You'll have a light and very strong can even beat someone with it.

-Radio will be Multiplex royal evo 9, a nine channel radio; this means I can control 9 different "items" on the plane: ailerons, flap, rudder, elevator, airbrakes, undercarriage etc.
You can even mix some functions: i.e. I can select to let the flaps go down automatically when I pull hard on the elevator, so the plane turns tighter.
On the plane will be installed a Graupner R700 receiver, this is a 7 channel one, and I will use it for its real low weight...there will no problem as I will use
only 3 channel for this model.
This is the standar electronic I use to fly racing gliders like the one in the video here (yes...there is no motor, only the wind...):

-Surface movements will be: 2 servos for the ailerons and 1 for the elevator.
Rudder is not needed and not functional in such little planes.
The ailerons will be used as flapperons, so with one command on the radio (a stick) i will bank left or right, and with another command I will drop down some flaps to aid thermalling or slow down the model before landing.

-Motor? What motor? This will be a PSS (Powered scale sailplane), a sailplane which "imitates" a real motor plane, usually warbirds.
This tipe of gliders can be flown on slopes or hills with wind facing to them; the wind is forced to go up the hill/slope so you can use it, or the thermals, to gain altitude and speed.

To see a PSS of a P-51 download the video:

I hope I am not boring you...sorry for the O.T.

Back to the thread...are there any new paint schemes?
Hallo Twentynine !!!
Nice info there and I assure you it was not boring.The PSS classe (in the form) is not popular in Poland and I don't know much about it,sorry for that.It is interesting.Let us know when you finish your model.

oh...I noticed now you're from Poland.
Your nation is a great producer of real Gliders like SZD Diana, Cobra, Foka, Mucha and much more.
I also own an Rc-sailplane from, low-prices and they fly really good.
You are right, flying with glides is very popular in my country.There are many flying clubs where you can learn and become a glider pilot.But let's come back to Il-2.There some profiles( white as you wished but not only ).The first ones with black inscription are mjr.Zub's.It seems that the digit "2" on the rudder should be yellow not red.I've included a photo.It is up to you which variant you'll choose.Besides,the digit was on the both side of the rudder.However,the first and the third profiles are without but I think it is a mistake.You should remember that the white winter camo was made using a poor quality paint.The white paint was painted on the standard summer camouflage.Therefore,some time later, the summer one was visible at many places on the aircraft surface.

source unknown:


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