interior colors of the Italian aircraft

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Senior Master Sergeant
Jan 12, 2010
first do not know if this is in the right place but I think here is not bad.

with detailed engine veltro I found that new lines of I have to paint but, what color ?, not know if it's as Luftwaffe each circuit had a specific color or were all the same color, I have or rather've seen some pictures of the inside of folgore but not veltro whether the plane was very similar but to what extent.

Does anyone have a list, graph or information were painted as pipes, pipelines and power circuits so mine ?, paint colors that are folgore is like the veltro?
thanks george,

I found a table and a book referencai page you placed this book and what I have just "colori della regia and schemi mimetici aernautica 1935-1943" on your page 68 Tables VI and VIa , gives the colors and page 122 is a table of correspondence humbrol

Piping for air - blue savoy - azzurro11 - humbrol 25
Pipes for exhaust - ebony black matte - nero12 - humbrol 33
Pipes for oxygen - snow white - white neve6 - humbrol 34
Pipes for lubricants - brown camouflage - bruno10 - humbrol 98
Piping for water cooling engine - green flag - verde9 - humbrol 3
Pipes for fuel - medium yellow - yellow cromo7 - humbrol 69
Equipment for fire protection - red flag - rosso8 - humbrol 20
Not too far...
=> Color No 18

2 threads below this one ;)

Normally, the interior color of the canopy and windscreen is black on the Veltro
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yes, in the assembly instructions and put whatever inside the canopy was black

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