iPhone Modelers App

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Nov 22, 2009
The Jungles of Canada
Found this one night while searching for something else. Not sure which section to put it under, so if a Mod wants to move, fine by me. The app is called iModelkit. There is a free version and a version for 6$+. I'll leave it up to the people who know colors better than I do to comment, but I think this app is outstanding. First off, there are color charts and model paint references, 35 paints in all including oil paints.



When you open a color chart, in this case RLM, and click on a color, RLM24, if a paint manufacturer makes the color, it will be display. Again, I will leave it up to the individual to decide if the colors are correct but I am really surprised at the different variations on the same color.


Paint manufactures don't make the color you want, no problem. The next window features a paint mixer. You click on the color you want and the paint brand you want to mix. The paid version allows you to mix different brands together, hmmmmm.


I took the RLM24 and using VallejoAir brand and less than 5 minutes of playing around, came up with this. Close, but I don't know what I'm doing.


Next up is a Scale Computation and not just aircraft scales. Also it has styrene shapes, 14 in all.



Finally, you've got your paint mix formulas but if you're like me, memory span of a goldfish and have, hey, a squirrel, A.D.D., you're not going to remember the mix...voila, a notebook.


Personally, I think this is a great app. The paid version is ad-free and there are a few other options, but the free version works for me.

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That's another addition to the iPhone for me, thanks. I'm sure that will kill the rest of my available memory when combined with today's iOS.7 update.

Cheers Chris
Looks interesting, but I can't work one of those Ip hoe nee things, and i haven't a clue what an 'app' is !
Luxury! I'm still using a Motorola 'Rzor' !!! (but it works, and it's got buttons, not those irritating bl**dy touch screens that my fingers **** up!).
Got 2yrs left on my iphone and then I'm swapping to Samsung. Hopefully the app will be available by then.


Samsung is ok, my mum's phone (S3) is a lemon, she never gets signal on the net and her touch screen takes about 7-8 touches before it registers anything,
but my S3 is fantastic :D havn't had a problem with it :)

I wish they made a normal phone for people that don't want all this I-cr*p and And-rots
If they didn't all look like Senior phones I'd probably get a regular touch cell phone :) The "Katana" (Razr "homage" lol) was by far my favorite phone.
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