Is Democracy Over-rated?

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Well, being a Yank in Oz, I am experiencing the real reason for the Colonies booting out the British form of government, it is not what I would refer to as democratic!
Disagree , I like the fact that a minority goverment can be chucked out in a parlimentary system , right now I'm priveledged to watch a 2 year election campaign to the south of me .
Disagree , I like the fact that a minority goverment can be chucked out in a parlimentary system , right now I'm priveledged to watch a 2 year election campaign to the south of me .

And what about the PM being chucked out by a flaming out of control red head. And a rock singer managing the funding of a project worth millions, that blows out to nearly billions, and then is given another portfolio to Manage. Then she chucks out a policy introduced by a previous party that controlled illegal entry because it was introduced by the previous party and we end up with three boatloads in two days. Or doubles our contribution to a fund even the British ministers want no part of. How about we send our Carbon Tax Your way?????? Yes? Or better yet, we give you our red head!
sucks to be you,
I'm completely serious with the points in my post.
There are stronger links between Britain and the Commonwealth than you seem to understand.
We squabble and sulk but, at the end of the day the Monachy and blood binds us together.
I disagree , yes we have the Queen on coins and stamps but thats about it
Bet ya over 50% of the people here don't know that or care to

We have had this conversation before Neil. As a country Canada is still bound to Britain. Whether the people want to be is another matter, which brings us nicely back to the thread...a democratic vote will allow the people of Canada to accept or reject being a constitutional monarchy.
I don't see any evidence of the rejection vote. Like the Australians you love to 'hate' us

I suspect you're exaggerating.
In all truth I believe the number of 50% is very low, and Readie we ain't bound by @@@@ .There is

aught, blank, bottom, cipher, insignificancy, love, lowest point, nada, nadir, naught, nil, nix, nobody, nonentity, nought, nullity, oblivion, ought, rock bottom, scratch, shutout, void, zilch, zip, zot loyalty to the UK

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