Issuing of M-14

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Staff Sergeant
Sep 19, 2005
Phoenix, AZ
Ok, I've seen pictures and read about the M14 being reissued to combat troops. My questions are the following: Is it a person by person request basis, or a designated marksman basis? Are the various upgrades seen on the M14s (collapsible stock, etc.) made at the depot, or do the troops buy the mods and implement them on their own? Finally, what is the occurence of the reissuing of these guns (i.e. 10 per 4 squads, 10 per battalion)?
It is not a standard issue weapon anymore. A soldier can not request to be issued on either. If they are chosen to use one then they are issued one.

Typically it is only used as a sniper weapon (and usually in the form of the M-21).
Really? I thought at least the Navy was using them as normal rifles as well as the sniper variants. Also, when you say
If they are chosen to use one then they are issued one.
, what are some of the deciding factors that determine whether a soldier is going to us a M110, a bolt rifle, or the M21?

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