Italian Nicobar Islands

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Admiral Beez

Oct 21, 2019
Toronto, Canada
Per Wikipedia... "Between 1864 and 1868, Italy tried to buy the island from the Danish. On 16 October 1868, the Danish sold the rights to the Nicobar islands to the British, which was made part of the British India in 1869."

Let's have Italy gain the islands in 1865, which are located about 3400 nautical miles from Italy's future naval base at Massawa (Italian Eritrea is founded in 1882). With such territory can we expect the Italian navy and air force to see some changes in ops and kit? And what of Italy's foreign and military affairs in WW1, interwar and WW2? Could we see Italy trying to seize German territory in the Pacific? Does having a Pacific territory impact British-Italian relations interwar and with Mussolini? Does Japan attack and seize the territory in 1941?
In 1865 Italy was a bit preoccupied with domestic matters. The Italian Unification process didn't end until 1871. Govts were changing every 6-12 months in that decade. Against that background it is hardly surprising that the acquisition of the Nicobars wasn't pursued. Britain acquired them in 1868/69.

Takes me back to school and my European history days.

Only after it had sorted its internal problems could Italy begin to think about building an empire, and so it was 1882 before it took over an Italian commercial coaling station at Assab Bay established in 1869 to cash in on the opening of the Suez Canal. So Italy came late to the imperial table.

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