Italian translation - help please

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Airman 1st Class
Feb 4, 2010
An odd request and I'm not sure where it should go. I am working on a project and I need some Italian audio translated to English. I figured with the large international community we have here, it would be a good place to start.

Below are three short Youtube videos in Italian. I would like to know the speed the airboats (idroscivolanti) achieved on the speed runs. I don't need everything translated, just the important facts. I have included some info below each link to put the video in context; the "?" indicates info I am not sure about. Any corrections are appreciated.

Italia. Bracciano

(19 July 1939) Fernando Venturi in a Fiat (A50?)-powered Saliman on lago di Bracciano. Setting a record for the 800 kg class? Speed sounds like 79 km/h but this seems a little slow. (Then again, I don't speak Italian.)

Italia. Lago di Bracciano

(9 August 1939) Col. Goffredo Gorini setting a speed record on lago di Bracciano. Speed of over 135 km/h achieved but had technical problems? The confusing part (to me) is that the video shows two different but vary similar boats. One is a SIAI-built boat powered a 9-cylinder Alfa Romeo D.2 engine (red cowl). Gorini was associated with this boat, but it was driven by Prospero Freri in the Raid Pavia-Venezia. The other boat is similar but powered by a 7-cylinder Alfa Romeo (Lynx?) engine (silver cowl). This is the boat that Gorini drove in the Raid Pavia-Venezia. I'm not sure if Gorini tried one boat (9-cylinder) but then switched to the other (7-cylinder), or if the similarity of the two boats was overlooked when the video was originally made. There is only one pass that shows the 7-cylinder boat.

Nuovo record di Venturi su idroscivolante

(22 August 1951) Franco Ventrui on lago di Sabaudia in a Wright-powered boat. Setting a record for the 800 kg class at 147 km/h over 1 km?

Again, I'd really appreciate it if any Italian-speaker could let me know the speeds and any important details like the weight class and issues.

Thank you for the help!

Not a whealt of thechnical information, I should say, in these movies, they were filmed to be shown before the motion picture blockbusters of those times, no TV then.

1st Movie
(19 July 1939) Fernando Venturi in a Fiat (A50?)-powered Saliman on lago di Bracciano. Setting a record for the 800 kg class? Speed sounds like 79 km/h but this seems a little slow. (Then again, I don't speak Italian.)

Idroscivolante Saliman a due galleggianti
Engine Fiat ( no mention of the mark), two blades propeller
Centurione Romano (Fascist Forces Militia) Fernando Venturi
Class under 800 kg
Speed (media of two passes) 79,971 km/h

2nd Movie
(9 August 1939) Col. Goffredo Gorini setting a speed record on lago di Bracciano. Speed of over 135 km/h achieved but had technical problems? The confusing part (to me) is that the video shows two different but vary similar boats. One is a SIAI-built boat powered a 9-cylinder Alfa Romeo D.2 engine (red cowl). Gorini was associated with this boat, but it was driven by Prospero Freri in the Raid Pavia-Venezia. The other boat is similar but powered by a 7-cylinder Alfa Romeo (Lynx?) engine (silver cowl). This is the boat that Gorini drove in the Raid Pavia-Venezia. I'm not sure if Gorini tried one boat (9-cylinder) but then switched to the other (7-cylinder), or if the similarity of the two boats was overlooked when the video was originally made. There is only one pass that shows the 7-cylinder boat.

Record speed of 147 km/h, top speed 155 km/h

3rd Movie
(22 August 1951) Franco Ventrui on lago di Sabaudia in a Wright-powered boat. Setting a record for the 800 kg class at 147 km/h over 1 km?

Three propeller blade, engine 450 hp no mention of type
Weight 870 kg top class
Speed 156 km/h

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