Jagdgeschwader Unit Emblems (Created in Adobe Illustrator)

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Airman 1st Class
Oct 13, 2012
Oak Harbor, WA
Tried to remove these but to no avail.

horse -- edited and content removed. Thanks for the heads up guys.
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Thank you sir! I just wish the site didn't resize it. You guys are not seeing a lot of the detail and work i put into these.
Please do not get me wrong, but I am not exactly impressed with your work, and I will tell you why - a good number of the emblems presented above was actually taken from the Polish book on the Luftwaffe emblems (details on the title I will present when I get home), while some others were I feel taken from my own books on the subject http://www.amazon.com/dp/9539596602/?tag=dcglabs-20 (1st edition) and Emblems of Jagdwaffe 1936-1945; A More Complete History: Mr. Sinisa Sestanovic: 9781439286456: Amazon.com: Books (2nd edition) (namely 1./JG2 Bonzo dog, 6./JG2 (a Luftwaffe black-man riding an oversized aerial bomb, etc...).

Now, the Polish book contains a number of the LW emblems that are completely fictional, or rendered inaccurately (case to the point would be the last five emblems in the first row under Jagdgeschwader 1 heading - that Nazi flag really never existed as the early emblem of 3./JG1, while the diving birds of 1./JG1 (3rd formation) did not look like that - not nearly in fact), and as such I feel should never be used as a reference in any serious book on the subject.

In certain cases I spent up to 50 working hrs working on a single emblem in order to try and make it as accurate as possible, and I am less than pleased when I see my work being apparently scanned and used as a template in the Adobe Illustrator, because this is considered a breach of my copyrights.

Enough said.
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Thank you, I tried to keep it brief and to the point. Here is the book I referred to in my previous post Janusz Chmielewski Robert Mihulec, Luftwaffe 1935-45, Camouflage Markings, pt. 5, page 1. Another apparent candidate is Barry Ketley's Luftwaffe Emblems 1939-1945 [1998] or [2012].

I don't own either of those books nor did I know of them until now. PM sent, btw guys I did not steal from this guy as he says I did. I tried to remove them so he wouldn't feel threatened. I do not have the time nor the patience to scan and then recreate. Maybe next time I will post photos with my work to avoid a copyright circus threat.
SPEKTRE76 I have all the books mentioned by Sidney, and have closely compared your images with those contained in Sidney's books. Almost cetainly you have copied his work, also some of the emblems that Sidney has created are unique to him, so I can say that you must have copied his work. As Sidney has pointed out, you have even recreated some of the errors he has subsequently corrected. Frankly for you to post them he is pretty bad considering that these are Sidney's work.

I am now formerly requesting that the administrator/moderator remove your posts and the offending image.
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Chris, thank you for your support in the matter. Just a note to inform you and other members of the forum that SPEKTRE76 and I just had a long discussion, and that I feel that we have clarified matter to mutual satisfaction. Thus, I feel that there is no need for withdrawal of his work. Not from my side anyway. Would you please withdraw your request for removing his post too. That would be the right thing to do I think.

I am now satisfied that the Bonzo dog and Tatzelwurm emblems were restored by him, using the contemporary photographic evidence as the reference, and apologize for jumping to conclusion before contacting him via PM directly first. As for the other designs, I have no further comments and I do not wish to get in any dispute about them.

Furthermore, we have agreed that the LW emblem designs found on the internet are also subject to the copyright law. Any foreseeable further dispute in this respect with any other forum member will be firstly addressed via PM before getting public on the forum.

Having spent some fourteen years (on and off) working on restoration of these emblems, I guess I have become little bit too sensitive about the issue. One thing though, it was not my intention to raise any copyright issues, let alone to accuse him of stealing my work.

I trust that the above clarifies the matter.

Nice to see this handled in a mature fashion guys, thanks. Although I'm not a moderator, I am very much a proponent of respecting copyrights and I like to think our members do as well.
SPEKTRE76 I have all the books mentioned by Sidney, and have closely compared your images with those contained in Sidney's books. Almost cetainly you have copied his work, also some of the emblems that Sidney has created are unique to him, so I can say that you must have copied his work. As Sidney has pointed out, you have even recreated some of the errors he has subsequently corrected. Frankly for you to post them he is pretty bad considering that these are Sidney's work.

I am now formerly requesting that the administrator/moderator remove your posts and the offending? image.

PM sent, this is not the time or the place to discuss this.
I am glad to see you guys are using the PM system to its advantage. Thanks for keeping things civil.

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