Hello Everyone!
If it is not a problem, I would like to ask the question about Japanese Dive bombing sights
Japanese dive bombers had special made sights Type 2 and Type 3 which was connected to the on-board "computer" and was possible to do some changes in sight for better aiming of bomb. As was found from sources, D4Y Suisei (Type 2 sight); B6N Tenzan and P1Y Ginga (Type 3 sight) and probably other aircrafts was equipped with this system.
The problems is that I can't fully understand how it works. The description about Type 2 № 1 says that gunner should add into the computer information about diving angle, diving speed and bomb release altitude. Also information about target speed and course could be added for attacking moving target. Then using this information computer calculates "correction angle" for bomb sight moving the D-Prism (prism on the end of telescopic Type 2 sight). Then pilot just need to align sight and target and then drop the bomb.
But the question is what pilot saw at the moment of diving start and to the moment of bomb release? Was this sight correcting angle every time to "bring" the trajectory of plane to the target from starting altitude to release altitude? Was it looks like Dive bomber align the sight to the target from the start and every time correcting the angle of attack to keep sight on the target until the release altitude? Or it was "freezed" and didn't move with no way after first calculating and pilot should by his own aim the plane that's way that the sight will be aligned to the ship exactly to the moment when there will be bomb release altitude? Was it something similar to Germany bomb computer BZA with Stuvi 5 sight? Can it be compared to modern calculating mechanisms?
Also question is with Type 3 sight. There is even few description then with Type 2 № 1 and it looks like that it worked the same but it used collimator sight instead of periscope.
I would be grateful if you have any information on how these scopes work.
Attach descriptions what were found.
Source: Japanese Aircraft Equipment 1940-1945 Robert C. Mikesh
Source: Mechanism of Military Aircraft 11. "Suise"/Type 99 Carrier Dive Bomber
Source: 航空戦を制する"必中"の眼 日本照準器 開発史
Source: gunsight
Thank you!
If it is not a problem, I would like to ask the question about Japanese Dive bombing sights
Japanese dive bombers had special made sights Type 2 and Type 3 which was connected to the on-board "computer" and was possible to do some changes in sight for better aiming of bomb. As was found from sources, D4Y Suisei (Type 2 sight); B6N Tenzan and P1Y Ginga (Type 3 sight) and probably other aircrafts was equipped with this system.
The problems is that I can't fully understand how it works. The description about Type 2 № 1 says that gunner should add into the computer information about diving angle, diving speed and bomb release altitude. Also information about target speed and course could be added for attacking moving target. Then using this information computer calculates "correction angle" for bomb sight moving the D-Prism (prism on the end of telescopic Type 2 sight). Then pilot just need to align sight and target and then drop the bomb.
But the question is what pilot saw at the moment of diving start and to the moment of bomb release? Was this sight correcting angle every time to "bring" the trajectory of plane to the target from starting altitude to release altitude? Was it looks like Dive bomber align the sight to the target from the start and every time correcting the angle of attack to keep sight on the target until the release altitude? Or it was "freezed" and didn't move with no way after first calculating and pilot should by his own aim the plane that's way that the sight will be aligned to the ship exactly to the moment when there will be bomb release altitude? Was it something similar to Germany bomb computer BZA with Stuvi 5 sight? Can it be compared to modern calculating mechanisms?
Also question is with Type 3 sight. There is even few description then with Type 2 № 1 and it looks like that it worked the same but it used collimator sight instead of periscope.
I would be grateful if you have any information on how these scopes work.

Attach descriptions what were found.
Source: Japanese Aircraft Equipment 1940-1945 Robert C. Mikesh
Source: Mechanism of Military Aircraft 11. "Suise"/Type 99 Carrier Dive Bomber
Source: 航空戦を制する"必中"の眼 日本照準器 開発史
Source: gunsight
Thank you!
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