I've been looking at photos of the FW190A-8s of JG 300, and I notice some carry brick red (or RLM 23?) reichs defence bands and others do not.I believe these were applied in the last part of 1944, but was wondering if anybody has a date for exactly when this practice was started? I'm busy with a build of a I.Jg300 BF109G-10 and a II.Jg300 FW190A-8, and I'd like to depict both as they appeared in late Sept 1944, so would like to know if they would have the red reich defence bands? Thanks!
Erich will be able to give a definitive answer, but certainly the Bf109G-6 of Klaus Lambio, 9/JG300, wore the band in June 1944, when based at Juttebog. Here's a pic of my model, showing the band, which was based on photos and a profile.
As memo serves these Reichsverteitigung bands appeared at the beginning of the 1944 when the Luftflotte Reich was created. Initially five bands introduced. JG3 - White, JG11 - Yellow , JG27 - Green, III./JG54 - Blue and JG300 - Red. During 1944 the force of the Luftflotte Reich was growing up and down. The main months for the LR were June and July 1944 when many units were taken and moved to Luftflotte 3 in France. Also later many squadrons of the LR were used operationally over the West front what caused mixing of many different units. Because of that and the high rate of losses, bands were disappearing very often. And it's the reason for the lack of these bands on many planes, I think. In Autumn of the 1944 the LR started reorganization and new bands were introduced to the LR squadrons. In mid of January of the 1945 a new document was issued . According to that the JG 300 was given with Blue-White-Blue band.
Thanks very much! It's the 21st Century Toys, 1/32nd scale kit, the build of which is shown in the 'Start to Finish' section of Modelling, under the title 'Budget Gustav', built about three years ago.
Greetings Gents, been away for 2 weeks in Germany on R and R and some very serious research plus a crazy stint in Nashivllle for the Mrs. masters studies.
anyway the real red colour is a brown red somewhat hard to describe, the unit in the Wilde Sau form wore a thin red band on it's night fighters later it widened out for day fighter use and visual ID. Reich bands were first introduced to JG 3 and JG 27 in January of 1944.
In December of 1944 the JG 300 red turned to the blue/white/blue bands as the confusion with JG 1 A/C existed using the red as it's Reich defense base colour.
would be interested in seeing your JG 300 model(s) presentation as it is available.
pretty crazy I will admit the weather was right for the Fall the castles were outrageous as always, my son who was on this leg went crazy with his vid-cam. guess I better just post this site though I am totally unimpressed with it compared to the twin volumes by Lorant and Goyat on JG 300 they are the best written ...............
Wondered where you'd got to Erich, and sounds like you had a good time.
The red band on my model is actually a 'brick' red, although the lighting makes it look brighter. It was painted to simulate what was possibly a very slight 'show through' of the mottle underneath, just visible in the photos of the actual aircraft.