Ju 87G at the Kursk Battle.

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Jan 18, 2011
Hello all. I am trying to paint up some Ju-87 G's for the Kursk period but I am having trouble finding the cammo patterns used for that period on the Eastern Front. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
As memo serves both Ju 87G-1 and G-2 were wearing the standard camo scheme for Ju 87 you can find in many threads on the forum. ALso in the Modelling section. The camo scheme was of RLM70/71/65 colours with RLM04 ( yellow) quick ID elements.
Thanks. What color is the bottom. I've seen a grey white and a light blue. Both were models, but I have no idea how accurate they were. I'm painting three for a FOW tournament this Saturday.
Here you are samples of colours you can use for the JU 87G. RLM65 was a light blue paint of a greyish tonality.


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Just to confoirm Wotan's comments all Ju87G were coloured in 70/71/65. The illustration below shows the exact factory paint positioning of the 'splinter' 70-71 which were the same from Ju87B-G.

Source: Aero Detail 11 Ju-87D-G Stuka


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