Ju 87G winter camouflage

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Apr 4, 2007

I know that this has been touched on previously and I apologize if this thread seems a bit of a spam.

I'm wanting to build my Has tankbuster dressed in winter camouflage, but I can't find the right kinds of cites for the scheme(s) I'm considering.

Pics of whatever you lot might have would be immensely welcome, along with what info you can find/point me to regarding what units dressed their Stukes in what camo.

Again my thanks.

Just a suggestion, but have you tried googling JU-87G decal sheets? You can get a good idea of what possible schemes there were and what units the aircraft were fron etc from a decal search. Also, try looking at other modellers'completed builds at a site like hyperscale.com or modellingmadness.com- you'll most likely find somebody who has built something similar to what you're looking for there!
The winter camo for Ju-87 was used at the Ost Front mostly and all LW units used that , not for Stuka G variant only. It was done with a white removable paint applied on a plane wearing the standard summer camo scheme. Because the white paint was inconstant and could be damaged easily by both weather conditions and working maintenace crews, a such camo was really looking flimsy.... Also many of planes had the white paint applied as spots or "snakes" making these schemes of camo really different.

Here a few examples....

A link to a nice site...

Stuka in winter camo' pics?
be careful with that links text, there were no D-8's and the so-called unit never flew during the day time hours as it was suppose to be a night ground attack variant which was actually a D-5 (N). I see my archival photo portrayed in the # 2 spot thank you, which is obviously an in-flight heading home after dropping their "deliveries on the Soviets"
Thanks for all the good info. No, I hadn't tried the Google ST mentioned. I'll give it a go.

Thanks for the pics; you can never have too much money, you can never have too much love, you can never have too many good reference shots.

Does anyone have unit IDs for Ostfront Stuka tankbusters?


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