JU88A-1 camera locations

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Staff Sergeant
Dec 10, 2011
Hello all,

I need help finding pictures of where the cameras would have been
Mounted ( if any extra were) in a Ju88A-1 which was used in a reconnaissance mission over England. The werke number of the particular aircraft i am researching was 0115 and was coded 4u + gh and was shot down by a spitfire in NE England.

Thanks for the help.

This Ju-88A-1 was with Aufklärungsgruppe 123 and produced and the Junkers Bernburg facility. Tried searching at LEMB, Luftarchiv, and Cockpitinstrumente but came up empty. What little I know here, the A-1 was not a purpose built recon aircraft and likely had field mods to mount the cameras. Try a search on "Aufklärungsgruppe 123" and you might find some clues. (note, I did come across a camera layout for the Ju-88D-0 but this was a purpose built machine as far as I know)
Hi Crimea River, thanks for the information. I wi try the further searches that you suggest. I did wonder if it was just a field modded JU-88. I have a couple of pictures of the actual aircraft in its non shot down state but I cant see anything out of the normal with it.

Cheers Chris
Have you check Squadron-Signal Junkers Ju 88 In Action part 1? They sometimes have very nice drawings that specify things like this. It's worth a try anyway. Best of luck!
I've had a look at my books covering the Ju88, but not found anything specific on camera fit. I'll keep looking though (haven't checked the SS book yet) and if I find anything, I'll post it here.
Hello all, thanks for your help. I completely for for that I had SS on a disk so will get that checked out. Also do you think that the aircraft when on its recon missions would have flown with a bomb load given that potentially it was not a dedicated recon aircraft?

Cheers Chris
Purely guessing, but if on a dedicated recce op, probably flying at the optimum altitude for the camera(s) lens(s) to provide the required images, and on a 'straight and level' track for a given course and duration, I doubt if a bomb load would have been carried. More so if, given it was a recce sortie, probably at higher altitude than 'normal' bombing altitude, and using a other than standard recce machine, rather than the specialised Do17P or other specific types - altitude, duration and (escape) speed would be paramount, therefore fuel load would be more important than a 'token' and at most ' nuisance' bomb load.
However, due to their speed and overall performance, it wasn't unusual for Ju88s to be employed on relatively rapid, tactical recce ops, to determine conditions immediately prior to an attack on a specific target, or area to, or in the vicinity of said target(s).
In these instances, it is highly probable/possible, that no photo recce was undertaken, rather the aircraft acting a a sort of 'pathfinder', reporting current local situation via R/T or voice in clear.
Have you check Squadron-Signal Junkers Ju 88 In Action part 1? They sometimes have very nice drawings that specify things like this. It's worth a try anyway. Best of luck!

Here is what I found in book 1

Thanks Terry,

Found another one. Sorry for the size but when I reduce it quality goes down. :)


  • Camera's 3.jpg
    Camera's 3.jpg
    937.7 KB · Views: 204
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Hello, thanks to all for the brilliant pictures. I will check the photo I have of the aircraft I am Modeling and see if it has the debris deflection plate fitted. Also as the cameras in the early versions are not flush it should be fairly easy to identify if it had the said modifications.

Thanks Chris
Hello, thanks to all for the brilliant pictures. I will check the photo I have of the aircraft I am Modeling and see if it has the debris deflection plate fitted. Also as the cameras in the early versions are not flush it should be fairly easy to identify if it had the said modifications.

Thanks Chris

Your welcome Chris and good luck :)

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