Jumo 004D/E

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Senior Airman
May 29, 2015
Hello, everyone. I recently encountered the Jumo 004E/D, but there doesn't seem to be much out there online about it other than it had a new fuel control unit, had up to 2,600 lbs of thrust (at least the E version), and was ready for production by the end of the war. Does anyone know how much more TBO was given by the new fuel control unit and hollowed out blades (which first appeared in the B-4)? Sources would be highly welcomed as well. Thank you.

I would guess the coordinated throttle would improve response but not thrust per se. The cooled vanes would support perhaps higher temperatures or longer engine life. The below suggests they may have tried both approaches.

Junkers Engines - Jumo 004
Von Ghersdorf et al ('Flugmotoren und strahltrieberke' book) say that 004D have had improved inlet and compressor, the thrust maxed out at 930 kp (9.1 kN), on 9000 rpm (the 004B was at 8700 rpm max). Single 004D was produced on the 004B production line in last months of the war.
Same source lists the 004E as capable to deliver 1000 kp (dry) and 1200 kp (with afterburner, allowed for 15 seconds). The turbine inlet temperature was up to 870°C for this engine.

Thank you very much for the information guys. Do you per chance have anything on how much more time was given to the engine life with the hollowed out blades?

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