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Very good document, and thank you for posting it. Just for general info "Ersatzteilliste" means "spare-parts list". ("Ersatz teil liste")

Sadly I dont have much info on the BMW 109-003 so I cant help on that.
There's more completed and clear Jumo-109-004 jet manuals on public websites, and I share them for interest with no profit.
At least I think it is

Please download the following 8 pdf attachments:


  • JUMO_004B-1_Lehrbild_Reihe_Printed.pdf
    4.1 MB · Views: 167
  • Jumo004Bedienung.pdf
    2.2 MB · Views: 172
  • Me262_Engine_2.pdf
    4.7 MB · Views: 187
  • MotoresdeaviaciónalemanesS.G.M.-Página6-ElGranCapitán.pdf
    9.7 MB · Views: 177
  • NeuerungenJumo004B-1.pdf
    2.7 MB · Views: 166
  • SondertriebwerkJumo109-004B1.pdf
    19.3 MB · Views: 175
  • SondertriebwerkJumo109004B-1_schemic_drawings.pdf
    4.1 MB · Views: 163
  • TafelnJumo004B_Printed.pdf
    3.5 MB · Views: 171
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