I recently obtained permission from the Greek Underwater Antiquities Agency to dive and document this wreck. It was originally located and identified back in 2009. My objective was to build a high resolution, detailed 3D photogrammetry model of the wreck. The airplane is almost completely intact which is amazing.
Below are links to the two posts along with a screenshot of the model I created. Note that the real model is available online and can be rotated, zoomed, etc.
Photogrammetry Post:
Project & Wreck Details Post:
Here is a screen capture of the model to whet your appetite.
Many more are on the posts above along with photos and videos.
- brett
Below are links to the two posts along with a screenshot of the model I created. Note that the real model is available online and can be rotated, zoomed, etc.
Photogrammetry Post:

Junkers Ju 52 Photogrammetry Model (Kea, Greece — 205 fsw)
Background This is the second post for the Junkers Ju52 Photogrammetry project. The first post covered the trip details, information on the Junkers Ju52 airplane, the wreck itself, and still photos…

Project & Wreck Details Post:

The Junkers Ju-52 Project (Kea, Greece — 205 fsw)
Intro The genesis for this project started when I was in Kea, Greece in October 2023 during an expedition with Ben Lair and Justin Judd to dive the HMHS Britannic with Keadivers. I was showing Yann…

Here is a screen capture of the model to whet your appetite.
- brett