Lancaster ND931 582 Sqdn RAF.

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Dec 28, 2007
Hi all, Am searching the world for a photo or information about this particular aircraft, I have details of it based at Litle Staughton UK and its last crew etc. One of the last crews family would like to see a picture ? Will leave it with you people ! Thank You. Keith :!:
Maybe this will also help on some info for people to look for the photo. Info came from the book The Squadrons of the Royal Airforce Commonwealth 1918-1988.


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Not the best shot but it is of ND 931 of the 582nd RAF squadron. I will see if I can find more.

Title says that this is ND931 60-H of the 582nd Squadron taken from a Mosquito of the 1409 squadron. Flight. The G suffix has been erased as has the orginal roundel which was in a non standard postion. Source of photo Avro Lancaster Units in service by aircam


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WOW ! Micdrow I am impressed with this, big time, thank you so much, I know this pic will bring a tear to some eyes, they will be tears of joy, I must add ! Thank you so much. We will speak again ! Keith. :p :p :p
WOW ! Micdrow I am impressed with this, big time, thank you so much, I know this pic will bring a tear to some eyes, they will be tears of joy, I must add ! Thank you so much. We will speak again ! Keith. :p :p :p

Your welcome Keith, Im still looking for more photo's but it doesnt look good. At least for the sources I have. Hopefully some one will have a better picture.

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