Information are incomplete and unclear, what in the case of Soviets is not strange.
In these raids took part divisions of Baltic Fleet aviation.
Surely Bostons A-20G-30 from 51st MTAP (mine-torpedos aviation regiment) of 8th MTAD (mine-torpedos aviation division).
Probably also other regiments from 8th MTAD:
- 12th GBAP (guard regiment of dive bombers) with Pe-2.
- 1st GMTAP (guard mine-torpedos aviation regiment). No data about aircrafts.
And 9th DASh (division shturmovoy aviatsii):
7th GShAP (guard regiment shturmovoy aviatsii) and 35 ShAP (regiment shturmovoy aviatsii). Probably both on Il-2.