Life...sometimes it just sucks!

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Wayne Little

Oct 7, 2006
Adelaide Sth. Aust.
haven't been on the last 2 days....just before I started my holidays my son Aaron started dating a new girlfriend, things were looking up for him...just after lunch Sunday his new girl Naomi collapsed at home and was rushed to hospital and to ICU...what followed was a series of seizures and frantic work by the Hospital staff to keep her going, after the first few seizures they were successful and Aaron got to see her and talk to her....then another one struck and she was in a coma, nothing more could be done and she passed away in the early evening....apparrently the victim of a blood clot that got to her heart...NOT either of them!
Aaron came home shortly after....completely devastated by the outcome....

Sadly my wife and I had not yet met Her.....Rest in Peace Naomi.....:(
Absolutely terrible! I am very sorry this happened. Please tell you son that my thoughts and prayers are with him and his girlfriend as well.
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That's just so unfair, such a young life. My sincere condolences to Aaron, you and the family, and Naomi's family.
That must've been one helluva shock for all involved. :(
You're all in my thoughts, I'm so sorry to hear that Naomi passed away way too early. :(
Please give my condolences to your son Aaron, and to Naomi's parents and family. :(
Holy Sh** Wayne that is awful man................ we are so sorry to hear this. you still have the grief books I sent you right ? ............pass them on or go into them with your son.

does her Family have any heart conditions -hereditary if you know ? can only imagine what her Familie is going through now .......
OMG, that is terrible! Please let your son know we feel for him and, if possible, pass our sympathy's to the young girls parents.
That is terrible, my condolences. A friend of mine lost his girlfriend last year and she was only 19; I never found out the cause and never felt I needed to ask. But he was a wreck for months; thankfully he's improved considerably over time.
Very sorry to hear that Wayne...can't even begin to imagine what Aaron must be going through right now.
Thoughts and prayers with you all.

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