Liore et Olivier H-43

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Jan 6, 2006
I am making a line of Solid wood model kits and this is one of the models on the catalog.

I need pictures of this aircraft...can anyone help????

Thank you

This is the kit
cheddar cheese said:
Ummmm, it does, thats one ugly plane...

hahahahahaah......Yup it's fairly ugly but so is the Citroen 12 and people like it or liked it. It looks interesting and different as a model. I have sold many of them.

Thanks for the photos guys..............

è un aeroplano interessante come altretanto del Regia Aeronautica
You are right, the Regia Aeronuatica had better planes and they also looked great.

I am presently building the Caproni Campini N.1...There is one perfectly preserved in Vigna di Valle.

I am of Italian descent and visit Italy every two years. One of the kits is the Fiat BR-20 like your signature
Hi Guys..............

First of all, I thank all of you in your search and provision of the photos of the Ugly, but interesting Leo H-43.

Finished the model so since someone asked to see it, here is the link to the step by step pages......hope you like the model

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