Luftwaffe and German Documents

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Aug 21, 2006
A collection of Luftwaffe and German documents that Ive collected from a variety of sources. I wont get them all uploaded today but this is a start.



  • Employment of German aircraft.pdf
    42.3 MB · Views: 1,347
  • Employment of German aircraft 2.pdf
    37.3 MB · Views: 921
  • Employment of German aircraft 3.pdf
    19.4 MB · Views: 625
  • Employment of German aircraft 4.pdf
    23.4 MB · Views: 583
  • Employment of German aircraft 5.pdf
    24.7 MB · Views: 583
  • German Defense tactics.pdf
    2.5 MB · Views: 599
  • luftwaffe and allied campain in Europe.pdf
    1.5 MB · Views: 494
  • Luftwaffe methodes in Selection of Offensive Weapons.pdf
    17.3 MB · Views: 468
  • Luftwaffe methodes in Selection of Offensive Weapons 2.pdf
    29.6 MB · Views: 452
  • Luftwaffe procurment Part 1.pdf
    36.4 MB · Views: 776
  • Luftwaffe procurment Part 2.pdf
    39.5 MB · Views: 601
  • Luftwaffe procurment Part 3.pdf
    33.5 MB · Views: 605
  • German airforce in support of army.pdf
    39.8 MB · Views: 624
  • German airlift operations Part 1.pdf
    36.2 MB · Views: 616
  • German airlift operations Part 2.pdf
    33.3 MB · Views: 564
  • Luftwaffe Air Sea Resue.pdf
    46.1 MB · Views: 637
  • German Airlift Operation Part 1.pdf
    34.7 MB · Views: 477
  • German Airlift Operation Part 2.pdf
    34.8 MB · Views: 437
  • German Airforce vs Russia 1941 part 1.pdf
    24.8 MB · Views: 384
  • German Airforce vs Russia 1941 part 2.pdf
    25.1 MB · Views: 322
  • German Airforce vs Russia 1942 part 1.pdf
    32.7 MB · Views: 409
  • German Airforce vs Russia 1942 part 2.pdf
    37.1 MB · Views: 409
  • German Airforce vs Russia 1943 part 1.pdf
    23.9 MB · Views: 355
  • German Airforce vs Russia 1943 part 2.pdf
    33.5 MB · Views: 580
  • German Campains in the Balkans.pdf
    11.8 MB · Views: 313
  • Operation Barberosa.pdf
    6 MB · Views: 397
  • Campaing in the Balkans spring 1941.pdf
    11.8 MB · Views: 272
  • German Defense tactics againt Russian break throughs.pdf
    5.1 MB · Views: 339
  • German planning and operation in Russia.pdf
    10.5 MB · Views: 322
  • Order of Battle for German Army April 43.pdf
    18.7 MB · Views: 323
  • Order of battle for Italian Army July 43.pdf
    18.1 MB · Views: 349
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I have been told that there is no such thing as pilots notes in the LW like there was in allied forces is this true and if there are it was put together post war to fill a need can anyone verify this
I have been told that there is no such thing as pilots notes in the LW like there was in allied forces is this true and if there are it was put together post war to fill a need can anyone verify this

I would tend agree with you statement that there really was no such thing as pilot notes for the German side. At least I have never seen any. Which defiantly does not mean anything.

I thought I had a modern day cheat sheet for a Bf-109 but currently cant find it. If I do I will post it. Hopefully some one will have more on the subject because it is interesting and I have to wonder why not?
I have been told that there is no such thing as pilots notes in the LW like there was in allied forces is this true and if there are it was put together post war to fill a need can anyone verify this

Pilot notes? Definietely there has been, but I only have for the Bf 109 - its called Bedienungsvorschrift ("operating/servicing instructions").
Its actually the same content as pilots notes - how to take off, what to do before a dive, how to make an emergency landing etc.

Usually though, what you find on the net is the Flugzeughandbuch ("aircraft hand book"), which are the description of the aircraft and it subsystem - electric net, hydraulics, navigational equipment, that sort of thing - for the ground crew.
Pilot notes? Definietely there has been, but I only have for the Bf 109 - its called Bedienungsvorschrift ("operating/servicing instructions").
Its actually the same content as pilots notes - how to take off, what to do before a dive, how to make an emergency landing etc.

Usually though, what you find on the net is the Flugzeughandbuch ("aircraft hand book"), which are the description of the aircraft and it subsystem - electric net, hydraulics, navigational equipment, that sort of thing - for the ground crew.

Very interesting Kurfurst, take a look at this. Is this one of the pilots notes. I think it came from cockpit insturments website. One of these days I need to learn a second language.

Any one know of a program that can translate pdf files? :lol:


  • Bf-109E Beladevorschriftt.pdf
    5.9 MB · Views: 499
Pilot notes? Definietely there has been, but I only have for the Bf 109 - its called Bedienungsvorschrift ("operating/servicing instructions").
Its actually the same content as pilots notes - how to take off, what to do before a dive, how to make an emergency landing etc.

Usually though, what you find on the net is the Flugzeughandbuch ("aircraft hand book"), which are the description of the aircraft and it subsystem - electric net, hydraulics, navigational equipment, that sort of thing - for the ground crew.
Thanks but no thanks I'll believe my sources no offence.
The way it was described to me it was all given in class where it was and I quote "beaten into them" the pilot did not have a Pilots operating handbook

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