I can't express my desire for wanting to physically help in such matters enough, Nature is both devastingly beatiful and also beatifully devastating.
Hoping for more survivors, wishing all persons involved swift knowledge of those unaccounted for and for all conducting searches, restoration of basic services infrastructure, surviving, providing local civic aid, the safest of can be expected times recoveries.
Since the many natural events I have seen on the news in my (so far,) 32 years, what is required to be an sanctioned rescuer or if anyone here might know what is entailed; for informative purposes, peace of mind, knowledge and a need to know?
I've only ever noticed this feeling growing since Christchurch; well erm, like Turkey's series of quakes in the 90's, so the along the Ring during the 10's... If a imaginary line through Icelands volcaneo, the magnetic core of the Earth, that it'd be close to a important fault near NZ - delayed reaction of crustal materials involved harmonic ripples