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Staff Sergeant
Dec 28, 2010
maidenhead uk
Hi chaps since joining this site i've seen several mentions of modeling materials i didn't know existed ,ie plastic styreine sheeting ,liquid clear plastic for filling clear plastic/making canopys,materials to design and make your own transfers using your printer where do i get these materials from,up until now i've had to use stiff paper card,car body filler or paint details in by hand that limits the detail of my builds.I'd love to build my own subjects from scratch using scaled plans,could anyone help please
First thing to do is identify which material, or materials, you think you might need for a particular job, or for use regularly. Not a lot of point in 'stocking up' with stuff which won't be used. You should find that most good model shops will stock the basics, such as plastic sheet (clear and 'solid'), plastic rod, strip etc, or at least will be able to order it for you. Other materials, such as fillers, putties, various cements and adhesives are normally standard lines in most outlets.
If you have problems obtaining items, then two very good Mail Order/On-Line outlets in the UK are Hannant's, and Model Hobbies, both of whom stock most modelling materials and show these in their relevant sections on their web-sites.
It might also be worth having a look at some of the various threads here on the forum, where many materials are mentioned and described, with more than a few being 'adapted' from household and waste products!
And of course, if in doubt, don't be afraid to ask, we normally help without too much hassle!!
thanks very much for the info,i don't know of any modeling shops n/r me so i will have to do it mail order,would these shops also have 1/72nd plans of things such as light aircraft,hangers,petrol pumps, flight towers,petrol tankers,jeeps etc
Doubt they'd have scale plans, but vehicles in 1/72nd scale, kit and diecast, should be available. As for various buildings, there are a few kits from different manufacturers, including Airfix. However, White Waltham was, and is, a civilian airfield, the 'home' of the ATA (and Fairey, as you know) during WW2. This means that the buildings, hangars etc, were of civilian design, and different in style to the RAF type which, from the Expansion Period of the mid 1930s, were built to set patterns, these again differing if 'permanent' or 'for the duration'.
I can certainly provide info/drawings on the standard military patterns but, from what I've seen of WW, they wouldn't be of much help.
EDIT: Forgot to add; some model railway buildings kits can be adapted, such as warehouse and garage kits etc,
I agree with Airframes. In addotion I have to tell you that making model from scratch costs much more than making these from plastic kits. Therefore you have to choose what technology of making a model you will follow. Back to materials.... these are almost everywhere. You have to look around yourself carefully only. I can prompt ..depends on a kind of material that was used, even a plastic dustpan is a good source for this.
I have forgotten...also a scale of models has to be taken into account, considering your skills, abilities etc....
i build classic cars for a living as well as geniune leaded lights so skills are not a problem i can really do most things,my problem is that i don't know where to find modelling materials which why i asked what others might be using or getting them from you mean drawings, digrams etc ... or styrene, wood, brassy wire, glues ? Sorry for the question but I'm a little bit confused now.
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its styrene /glues fillers and the like that i'm looking for to purchase,plus if anyone sells scale drawings of subjects that i could build models from,for instantance I have a frog vampire with a missing canopy it would be nice to find where i can get materials to make a replacement part or drawings to copy
I understand.... usually ,drawings, diagrams or scatches are a part of many book s. These called " Monography " are very useful. There is a few nice publishers in the Europe. In Poland there are three of them, Kagero, Aj-Press and Militaria. Also drwaings can be found in many aviation and modelling magazines. These books and materials are a great source for colour profiles we need to paint models etc.... About pictures I don't mention at all. The Internet is a good source for the kind of documentation as well.

If you look for styrene and other materials you can make a model of... just like Airframes said. There are many Hobby Shops both small and big ones where you can find accessories for modelling. For instance Hannants in UK. Most of these shops offer ordering online. So you even don't have to leave your home.
But shops for electronics are a good source for many materials we need to run our projects. As I said even a plstic dustpan is a good material for modelmaking you should look around all markets, plastic boxes, empty cups of joghurt, alominium foil, old floppy disks, injection needles , etc.. are the great materials you can use for making many deatails of a model. There is really a lot of possibilities.

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