Me-262 B Trainer version cockpit info?

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Dec 20, 2006
I'm looking for drawings or photos of the trainer version rear cockpit of the Me-262 B. All I've been able to find is the night fighter rear cockpit. I've heard that the trainer did not have (or had a smaller) rear fuel tank and that the seat was therefor further back than with the night fighter. How far back? Also, was the instrument panel the same as for the front cockpit? What about the side walls? I would assume the left side (throttle side) is similar, but would there have been a duplicate electrical panel on the right side (or was it located in back and deleted in front?)

Thanks, Matt Q
Check this out mate:
Messerschmitt 262b-1a

I have the Eduard etched brass set for the trainer and night fighter variants - if you send us your home address in a PM, I can photocopy the sheet and instructions for you. (The instrument panels are the main difference )


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