Merlin 500-XX propeller governor

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Sep 16, 2008
I teach in a school for aviation technicians and we have a spare RR Merlin 500-XX propeller governor; I'd like to dismantle this unit to show my students "the real thing" not just a cutaway diagram.
Does any one have a cutaway or, even better, a manual of this item? We have some RR Merlin overhaul manuals but not for this particular version.
I'd like to avoid any damage/injury with the main spring and if guessing the right way to approach the piece could be very useful.
This engine was used with a FIAT G-59, most likely a -4B version (two place, training version); the propeller, as far as I know, was a FIAT-Hamilton Type 5010.
Thanks a lot for any help!
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Your 500-XX for a Fiat. That will be the 500-20 model engine.

You mention 'propeller governor'. I assume you are referring to the Constant Speed Unit (CSU)?

I have a Merlin 500/29 which is equipped with a deHavilland CSU. However, the different types are quite similar, although I am not familiar with any Fiat specific CSU. (I suspect it is modelled on a deHavilland hydromatic type). There is at least one -20 manual I have which you can also acquire from the following website:

Rolls Royce Packard FIAT Motori Aviazione Merlin 500-20 Aircraft Engine Instruction Manual

Propeller type 5010 here:
FIAT 5010 Aircraft Propeller Maintenance Manual - Elica - Montaggio

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Thanks a lot dairwin! You are right 500-20 is the correct model and not 500-XX as I stated.
I'll look for these manuals. At present I can only look at "Motori di aviazione" (Aircraft engines), an old textbook (1965) for ITAF engine repairmen, very useful to understand the basic but not specific enough.
Sincerely I don't know if is a FIAT specific CSU; I'm writing from home and I have no chance to cross-check any plate on the item - I'll check tomorrow morning.
The label riveted on the item reads:
Hydraulic Governor made by Mash-Kelvinator Corporation
Under license from Woodward Governor Co and Hamilton Standard propellers"
serial K17884E-W535 AC25051
So it is a Hamilton Standard propeller governor, which is the same as mine (in effect). Nash-Kelvinator made the paddle blades on late-WW2 Ham Stan and DeHav propellers.

Today I happened to visit the Science Museum in London to take some photos of the Merlin MkIII there. Whilst there, I remembered your interest in the CSU and took the following photos of a sectioned CSU on a two-stage Merlin.

Not the same, but similar to the Ham Stan CSU. There is a spring inside, near the top, but nothing I believe that would be amiss for careful dismantling.



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    CSU 1.jpg
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  • CSU 2.jpg
    CSU 2.jpg
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I'll take a couple of snapshots of "my" governor in a short time... in the meanwhile many thanks for your pictures!

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