On 9 August, 1969 my cousin, 1st Lt. Jefferson Scott Dotson, disappeared on a Misty Fac. mission near Sepone, Laos.
Scotty, as he was known to me , and his family, were very much responsible for my early interest in aviation.
Scotty's uncle took me on my first airplane flight in 1962.
I was a few months out of the USAF when he went missing in 1969. On finding out, it brought the war home to me, and I decided I couldn't sit it out and let someone else fight it, I enlisted in the Army on Halloween 1969.
Scotty's suspected crash site was found in late 2001, his remains identified early 2002.
His daughter , also in the USAF, had his remains buried at Arlington Cemetery .
Even when he was flying a Piper Colt, to build up his hours, before going off to VMI, he knew he was going to be a fighter pilot.
When they show the pilot's pictures in the video, Scotty is the 3rd picture.