Mosquito Fuselage Width

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Chief Master Sergeant
Nov 9, 2015
Does anybody have any details on the width of the DeHavilland Mosquito's fuselage?
The maximum width is 53" and maximum height not including canopy 65.5", dimensions from Mosquito FB Mk VI maintenance manual. Both dimensions occur slightly behind the cockpit.
Is the manual on this site?
I do not know. The full title of the manual I have is:

A.P.2019E Volume I
Mosquito FB VI Aircraft
Servicing and Descriptive Handbook

The LiTOT website has a design analysis which has the dimensions also.
I scaled the drawing below and calculated the areas and I think Zipper730 is probably correct. Incidentally, I could not get a large enough area to account for the 508 ft2 number given in the manual for total area, unless I added the flap areas to the 454 ft2. But since the Mosquito used plain flaps (not Fowler or Fairey-Youngman) there is no reason to add the flap areas to get the gross wing area.

wing areas.jpg
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The 508 might have counted the area of the wing covered by the fuselage. It's a 1 piece wing and the upper surface extends through the fuselage.
The area of 454 ft2 is the gross area and includes the area of the fuselage. The distance from the wing leading edge over the radiators to the aft edge of the wing chord is ~14 ft, and the average width of the fuselage between the upper wing root lines is ~3.75 ft. If you subtract the area of the fuselage from the gross area you get ~402 ft2 for the net wing area. I am thinking that whoever ran the numbers for the manual (or whoever the person preparing the manual got the numbers from) added the flap areas to the main swing area in error. In all(?) the other British manuals I have seen, while the flap areas are listed, they are included the gross wing area - with the exception of aircraft fitted with Fowler or Fairey-Youngman type flaps, where they add the increase in wing area due to the rearward extension of the flaps.
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Whoops! Ignore my comments on the 508 ft2 value. I just noticed that the 508 is actually 50.8. DOH!! It is early morning here and I have not been to bed yet.
So the manual has the wing area listed as 436.7 ft2, which is close to the 440 ft2 that Zipper730 mentioned above, and close to what I found if I leave out the leading edge area over the radiators.

Edited my posts above.

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