My cure for a "case of the mondays"

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Sep 17, 2004
Moorpark, CA
Crazy day at work today. But knowing what was at the end of the day made it all go by quickly. I met up with the Condors at the Van Nuys Airport and we took off from the famous and historic 16R. It was great weather and a fantastic flight. The bonus was that we were doing a flyover for benefit for returning injured soldiers. Here are a few quick edits.


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Cheers guys. I have gotten to the point where I have settled down from the initial excitement of flying and been able to take everything in and concentrate on composing the shot. I still get excited about flying, and am having a blast doing it, it's kind of hard to describe.

When we were done with the formations, we flew lead back to Van Nuys, leaving the formation to take Rick's airplane back to Whiteman. That's the time it is really relaxing. I sat in the back seat and took it all in. I still took a few shots.

1. Overhead view of Van Nuys and the famous 16R
2. turning over the North end of the San Fernando Valley.
3. Sunset over the San Fernando Valley.


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I am having a bad year, where can I sign up? Again great shots. My father loves the AT-6s. I cannot wait to show your pictures to him.

I love that last shot. I am happy to be out of SoCal, but that last shot made me homesick for where I was born and raised, great job.

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