The newspaper clip below is from the Hudson Dispatch, Union City, NJ, Saturday August 7, 1943.
"3 Brothers Aim to Batter Axis"
Pictured are my dad (center) and his two brothers, my uncles. The one on the left was a Liberator pilot in the 453 Bombardment Group (H), 735th Squadron. Crashed on takeoff on his second mission to Siracourt, France - 6 February, 1944. The target was a concrete construction installation, which were launching ramps for the V-2 rocket bombs being aimed at London.
One on the right served on a destroyer in the Pacific, a picket ship at Okinawa. Don't have much information on his service. I do remember him telling me once that the kamikaze attacks were intense.
And my dad, the original "Tough 'Ombre" was lucky enough to survive as a rifleman from June 6, 1944 to May 8, 1945.