Mystery German WW2 Seaplane video

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Tech Sergeant
Apr 6, 2005
I was watching this doc on Wings the other day and while they were going on about the Catalina, the mystery seaplane in this clip came into view.... I suspect the people who made the prog thought it was a PBY.... easily done considering the high monoplane stuck on a boat configuration... except for the single engine and iron crosses etc.
Over to you viewers... what do you think?


  • lw-seaplane_dvcr035_465.mpg
    2 MB · Views: 1,636
Nope, I just have a fairly wide range of Aircraft Identification knowledge (Could be all those hours I spend just saving pics of planes to my computer...)
I think the Do-18 is almost as attractive as the PBY. BTW, it's funny how the video talks about how the Royal Navy got 650 deliveries of the PLANE IN THE VIDEO?? Betcha THEY were surprised when the Dorniers showed up!!

I love TV goofs.

I think that is a Do-26, with two tractor and two pusher, with the aft engines tilting up 10 degrees to keep the props from hitting spray from the water

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