Need some help ; German Wooden propeller id (big classical question !)

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Airman 1st Class
Apr 17, 2009
Hi guys !

Sorry I did not post for a while on the forum !
( Ps : to moderators, quick search on the forum, is not working on any computer I am connecting from).

Okay so here is my (big classical) question for you as my "late war" (as I suppose) german propeller blade documentation is not so complete ( seems hard to get complete ETL on this subject.).

I just got a wooden propeller blade (will post pictures asap ) that I suspect to be from a Ju188 ; marking is 9-41227-16 but as far as I know Ju188 series were in the 9-41211-15, 9-41211-16, 9-41211-17 and 941211-18 range....

Does any one of you can help me with the correct corresponding aircraft for this blade ?
If not Ju188, I'll look up for Ju87 or late war He111, what do you guys think ?

Thank you for your help ( as always )
Hi guys !
Sorry I couldn't post for a while !

So about the propeller blade.
I manage to find out that this one goes on the VS11 propeller hub ; and according to pictures I found could go both on Ju87 or Ju88.
The closest aircraft I found according to pictures was a Ju88G6 captured by US Troops.
( I do not own credits of the picture, found it in a French magasine about the nachjag ).

Can anyone of you confirm the matching numbers between the Ju88 and the propeller blade ?
Might be tricky as I also read that the junker propeller blades were assigned by production numbers not a proper ref ; can anyone confirm this info ?

Anyway this is a great find ; so here are the pictures I wanted to share with you.
If you look closely you will notice a little scratch on the top but this is really small.

have a nice day !
Thank you for your answer, in fact I am member of this forum too...
But I'll also try you are right.

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