New (Japanese "Kate") Print for Wings Museum, UK

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Ageed...that is awesome work.

My first thoughts are that the bomb is not accurate for the timeframe.....?
Looks very much like the 800kg bomb used only at Pearl Harbor?
Will need to check....don't want to cause any grief.....
Ageed...that is awesome work.

My first thoughts are that the bomb is not accurate for the timeframe.....?
Looks very much like the 800kg bomb used only at Pearl Harbor?
Will need to check....don't want to cause any grief.....

Hi, Wayne

The Kate might be one of the 4 which were deployed on the Shumushu island of Northern Kuril islands.
I hear the Kate of Wings Museum came from Sakhalin, Russia but, according to our records here, there were no Japanese aircrafts(and tanks as well) in August, 1945 when Russia invaded into the southern part of Sakhalin.

4 B5N Kates on the Shumushu attacked Russian vessels on August 20. They might have attacked with the 800kg bombs though I need further research.

1 crashed but the rest 3 were left on the island after the war.

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