New Photos of B-24-A "Ol 927" with #1 Engine Removed

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Jun 26, 2011
I took several photos of the Commemorative Air Force B-24-A recently at the Cavanaugh Flight Museum in Addison, Texas. I thought the engine mounting structure for the #1 engine was interesting to see. The pictures are here on my book's FB page, I hope you enjoy them. The B-29 "Fifi" was away on tour.
Very interesting pictures. That Liberator is unique. It was if I remember correctly, the 18th liberator built and had different engines without the characteristic oval shaped cowlings of later liberators caused by oil coolers on both sides of the engine.
The round cowls on the B-24 make it easiest to distinguish as an LB-30, which was the export version of the B-24. Ol' 927 was part of a contract for LB-30s to France. After France fell, they went to England. It was serialized as AM927. AM927 crashed in New Mexico before even getting to England and was stripped for parts after being returned to Consolidated. It later became the prototype C-89 cargo aircraft before becoming an executive transport and again a transport. The CAF bought it in 1968 for 60,000 and today you see it in USAAF colors.

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