Staff Sergeant
Time to finish a 3rd shelf of doom project . Started on this about two years ago. Fuel tank mounted modified from the Skyraider kit , fuel tanks form the F4U-1D . Other weapons will be the 5in HVAR air-to-ground rockets
20994357_10212673890455049_2982101226424339834_n by Brian scott, on Flickr
20953208_10212674281824833_2135913967184025942_n by Brian scott, on Flickr
20953548_10212674281864834_4625660670992463341_n by Brian scott, on Flickr
20953049_10212689746611443_8061975840478134905_n by Brian scott, on Flickr
20953565_10212689746811448_7368180226579650011_n by Brian scott, on Flickr
20954092_10212689746771447_2802182850506940587_n by Brian scott, on Flickr