Number of Missions and Rotation Home

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Aug 14, 2024
I have heard that pilots flew 50 missions then were rotated home but that seems to vary from theater of war and what type of pilot you were (fighter, bomber, transport, etc). I would like more info like how often did a pilot fly missions (once a day, twice a day, fly one mission then have the next day off, etc), how long were they gone before they flew their next tour, and how many total missions did a pilot fly.
Lots of variables existed, but as a general rule 8th AF Bomber Crews started at 25 missions, as the war progressed and survival improved the number was upped to 30 missions then 35 missions. After completing your missions you were assigned a non-combat role or to a training base to impart your wisdom on the next group of replacements.

Entire crews did not stay together to complete all of their missions together. If a person was sick or injured or on leave they would be replaced for that particular mission and would make up that mission on another aircraft.

From the stories I've been told by Vets they could fly two or three days in a row and then were on rest for a period of days. Sometimes weather or aircraft mechanicals would scrub a mission, so a constant variable of change.

I believe Fighter pilots were based on Combat Hours (200hr/250hr?) more so than mission count.

Each combat theater was different.

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