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Hey, never mind my last post, I just figured it out...

Check your Scroll Lock key, if you have Scroll Lock on, and hit your POV, it holds the View untill you manually return to center.

If the Scroll Lock is off, the POV does a Snap View, and returns to center automatically...
It looks like a bug, in real cokpit (F3) the sight is centered, and nothing happens when I hit the keys for view reset, and making any maneuvre I can see that I am not viewing to a side, it is the front view, but the reticle is off, maybe that I need to reinstall the game. Well, thanks for the help.
Yes, Grau, you are right, but when I hit the keys for view reset in "real cockpit", the reticle returns to centered position, but in the other view (virtual cockpit?), when I hit "reset view", the reticle returns to the offset position and as you say, it must be centered manually. I see now how it works, but I don`t understand it.
I am not sure if this will help because I do all my stuff with CFS1, but there is the possibility that your cockpit Point Of View is set incorrectly in either your AIR file or your Aircraft.CFG file.

- Ivan.

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