Our World War

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Senior Master Sergeant
Feb 9, 2006
Was cruising Netflix when I came across a BBC series called "Our World War", was a series of 3 true stories, The first was about Britains first battle at Mons, the 2nd was about "Pal" platoons and the last about the first tank attack. Was actually decent, the way they filmed it they tried to make you a part of the scene...
The BBC used to make good stuff some of their recent stuff has been rubbish, more concerned with the presenter than the subject.
You couldn't possibly mean Top Gear, could you? :D

Top Gear is typical but it stretches into supposedly serious documentaries and history programmes. I now could not count how many celebrity presenters have gone for a flight in a two seat spitfire, que 15 minutes of dross about how nervous they are what a privilege it is what a beautiful plane and what a great noise then after wow that was great.....blah blah blah Unfortunately the spitfire served throughout the war and so now every programme has its celebrity flight.

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