P-38 Crash Chartridge 7/1/1944

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Jul 6, 2024
Does anyone know where the source material is which Peter Halliday used to compile his typed list The Chiltern Prangs in 2000?
Peter recorded this crash as being on 1/1/1943 but I believe it was on 7/1/1943. Where did he get information on this crash?
Thanks in advance
Depending where you are from 1/1/43 (Jan. 1, 1943), 7/1/43 (Jan 7, 1943 or July 1,1943)

If you fill in P-38 (Aircraft Type) and ENG (Country) you can get a list of P-38 crashes in England by date. Unfortunately neither 1/1/43 or 7/1/43 (Jan., July) show up.
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Thanks for your heads-up. I have had a good look and done some cross referencing. There are certainly some missing entries in this list where I have some information from others. I'm analysing the data to try and pull it together.
Unfortunately these reports are incomplete as I do have the MACR for Wagner and there is no record in the AAIR of the incident.
Unfortunately these reports are incomplete as I do have the MACR for Wagner and there is no record in the AAIR of the incident.
I'm a bit confused. You mention you have an MACR (Missing Air Crew Report) which wouldn't be considered an accident. Accident's and MACR's are two different items.

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