Packard Merlin 224 engine and the Glen Martin 250 MUT

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Senior Airman
Aug 17, 2007
I took my grandson to the Calgary Museum of flight. It's well done. Three of dad's aircraft were there: DH-82C, North American Harvard and the Avro Lancaster X. He got to see the aircraft his great grandfather flew.

But what was new to me were the displays of the Packard Merlin 224 engine and the Glen Martin 250 MUT. The 224 looked smaller than I thought it might be.

The PM 224 powered KB865 and the GM-250 was the MUT
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The Hispano Ha-1112 we are restoring has a Merlin 224 in it.

It is a single-stage, 2-speed supercharger and makes more horsepower than any regular DB-powered Messerschmitt at takeoff. That mean it does not want to go straight without considerable effort to do so when taking off! Climbs very well ...
Cool. Take him to Nanton and see those three and more. There's a night run of the Lancaster on Sept 20 and a Halifax tribute on the 21st. Plus you can come say hi as I work on our Mosquito.

I wanted to go to Nanton but it was closed Tues-Wed, and the other days were taken up with activities, so we went to the flight museum. Nanton will have to be for another trip. I was there in 2006. Nanton is supposed to be receiving the Vince Elmer collection of 419 Squadron material. Evidently the Cold Lake Base is sending it to them but they have not yet received it. Vince Elmer was an electrician with ground crew "in the hanger" at Middleton St George and assembled a large collection of photos. He gave the collection to Cold Lake, home of 419 Squadron. For some reason, the "historian" at Nanton has not returned my emails.

Lady Orchid at the museum of flight….

I wanted to go to Nanton but it was closed Tues-Wed, and the other days were taken up with activities, so we went to the flight museum. Nanton will have to be for another trip. I was there in 2006. Nanton is supposed to be receiving the Vince Elmer collection of 419 Squadron material. Evidently the Cold Lake Base is sending it to them but they have not yet received it. Vince Elmer was an electrician with ground crew "in the hanger" at Middleton St George and assembled a large collection of photos. He gave the collection to Cold Lake, home of 419 Squadron. For some reason, the "historian" at Nanton has not returned my emails.


The Bomber Command Museum of Canada has found it not worth opening on Tuesdays and Wednesdays due to few visitors unfortunately. Our group (Calgary Mosquito Aircraft Society) is not part of the museum proper - we are only renting the space for our restoration work though our project has strong synergy with the museum's collection. I therefore have limited knowledge of what's going on behind the scenes there but may have heard snippets about the donation you mentioned.

Not sure why you put "historian" in quotes. Who are you dealing with? Dave Birrell is a super guy, has written several books, and manages the archives there. If you let me know what you are after and who you've been emailing then I can maybe give them a nudge.
CR. My apologies. No slight was intended towards Dave Burrell. My use of quotes was regarding my uncertainty about his title with the BCMC. Nothing more. We have since talked on the phone. I will send him some digital material for the collection. I was last at Nanton in 2006 and the collection there was excellent. I am sure it has improved since then.

.... I was last at Nanton in 2006 and the collection there was excellent. I am sure it has improved since then.

No apologies needed. The collection has improved quite a bit since 2006. All 4 engines on the Lanc are now running (last run of the season is tomorrow), a Cessna Crane and Buchon were acquired and the Halifax project is well in hand.

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