Pat Pattle Gladiator Mk.II N5832 ?

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Chief Master Sergeant
Jan 18, 2011
Until I decided to start painting my P-38, I was thinking about my next project for GB#42. I would like to build Gladiator Mk.II N5832 flown by Pattle late 1940 and early 1941 in 80 Sqn...
Is it really this Gladiator which wore the Pattle family crest under cockpit ?

As we can see, if this Gladiator is N5832, no code worn... Some source give this aircraft with the code YK-W... => 112 Sqn Gladiators
And others without code (or not known) => Håkans Aviation page - Gloster Gladiator in 80 RAF Squadron service

The other problem is the camo scheme !!! => => too much possibilities here...!!! => shadow camouflage with sky undersurfaces, shadow camouflage with black & white undersurfaces, shadow camouflage with alu & black undersurfaces and the sames with DE/DG camouflage

I would say that the rendition is very likely for the period of time you are interested in.

the pic source: the Internet.
I see. Here is another opinion I found on the Britmodeller site.

"Gladiator Mk.II ,East Africa,1940,N5852 without the squadron codes, Sky undersurfaces and the shadow camouflage of Dark Green/Dark Earth and Light Green/Light Earth."

The source: Four questions on Pattle's Gladiator Mk II

The Black/White for the undsersides doesn't seem to be the correct because the colours there weren't use at that time for the MTO rather. Contrary to that the Black/Sky or Black/Silver colours sound much propably.

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