photo etched

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Staff Sergeant
Mar 15, 2009
Easington Lane UK
Hi guys

This might be a stupid question, but how hard are photo etched parts to use As i am thinking of buying a Eduard kit with photo etched parts.
Not to be a wise guy but it depends on how small the piece is. The larger instrument panels, seats, braces etc are not too bad. Some of the smaller pieces, especially at 1/72 scale, have had me cursing a blue streak when the dreaded SPROING occurs (that's the sound of your tweezers springing shut as a small piece flies off into the carpet). Like anything else, using PE parts takes a little bit of practice.

Here's some tips:

1) if you are planning on painting any PE parts, make sure you clean them first to take off any oils.

2) make sure that you use a slow drying CA glue so you have time to position the piece(s) where you want them. when the CA dries you can always go back and touch up any overrun on the glue if necessary.

3) if a unpainted piece needs to be bent, bend it first and THEN paint it. It prevents you from marring the paint with tweezers while bending it and it also removes any chance that the paint will chip or flake if you bend it afte it's painted.

I especially like PE for seatbelts, instrument panels, and rudder pedals.

4) Almost forgot - you can preview the instructions (in pdf format) for almost all of the Eduard photoetch sets to see what the installation entails. Looking at the instructions before you buy the set gives you a heads-up on much part grinding, cutting and bending you will need to do. That way you will have a preview of whether you are getting in over your head or not and can save a lot of headaches down the road.
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